Core values

Academic freedom and freedom of expression are vital components of an open and democratic society, and are fundamental to our core purpose as a University.

What do we mean by academic freedom and freedom of expression?

Two students in discussion while holding books

While they are often used interchangeably, academic freedom and freedom of expression are different principles that often sit alongside each other in a University context.

About academic freedom and freedom of expression

What do these freedoms mean for us?

Edinburgh skyline with blue sky

In today’s climate of increasingly passionate and polarised debate, it is especially important that we support our community to be able to exercise their rights of lawful academic freedom and free expression.

Our commitment to academic freedom and freedom of expression

Respect at Edinburgh

Our legal duties

Dignity and Respect policy 

Supporting our community

Photo of students in tutorial

The Academic Freedom and Freedom of Expression Working Group was set up to identify how we can best support these freedoms across our diverse community.

Academic Freedom and Freedom of Expression Working Group 

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